Discipleship | Nurture | Action

Coastal kids is the name of our children’s ministry and is directed by Denise Fries, our Minister of Children and Families. One of the best things we can do for the faith development of our children is to teach them the Bible. It is alive and active, and God speaks through the Bible. Teaching your children the Bible, or learning it alongside them, helps plant the scripture in their hearts.

Coastal Kids & Nursery now join parents for worship/singing at the beginning of the 9am service.

If you need a space for Nursery children, please use the Family Room in the sanctuary. Our Nursery staff is there to help you! There are also activity bags for children in the foyer.

It is so important for children to worship with their parents. We also want this to be a positive experience, so please talk to Denise about your family’s needs!


Sundays: 9am & 10:40am

Coastal Nursery (birth-K) meets in the nursery for fun, crafts and a short Bible story or verse.

1st Service

Sundays: 9am

After worship in the main sanctuary, Denise Fries and her team open up our fellowship hall. They check in with children, worship together, talk about Jesus, and of course play games!

2nd Service: Adventures

Sundays: 10:40am

This service is about implementing Gods love within our congregation and/or community. In the past, our team has visited people within our congregation who can’t make it in person and taken them care packages, sung some songs and prayed with them. Some other fun projects include: making frozen meals for people who are sick, delivering canned goods and nonperishables to food pantries, cleaning up beaches, serving in between services, etc.

Family Room

  • If you have an infant, there is a family room in the back of the sanctuary where you can care for your baby and still be a part of church.

  • Children are also welcome in the Sanctuary if you would like them to join you for our Sunday morning sermon.