Christian Counseling


Be transformed

Our church provides Christian Counseling to anyone in need. There are three levels of Christian Counseling we provide. Please read each description below.

You can contact the church office and a member of our staff can help you choose what type of counseling is right for you.

Listening Prayer: Members of a prayer team will listen and pray with you. We regularly see people experience deep emotional healing, spiritual freedom, and transformation from times of prayer. Our team listens carefully to your story and then will pray with you about what you've just shared. Pastor Andy leads the prayer team. We will pray with our during one of our regular Worship Nights. There is no fee for this service. 

Biblical Counseling: For those who wish to have multiple sessions of Biblical counseling, Pastor Andy provides this service to the church and community. Biblical counseling is a deeper kind of healing work, one that takes time and commitment. Most issues we face--like addiction, marriage problems, or spiritual oppression--can be dealt with through the blend of sound psychological practices, Bibilcal principles, and prayer. We see tremendous freedom from committed work. For those active in the life of Coastal Community Church, there is no fee. For Christians who want this service and worship at a different church, the suggested donation is $100 per session. All donations are tax deductible.  

Clinical Counseling: There are many areas the our Prayer Team and Pastor Andy are not equipped to handle. We have licensed counselors, who love Jesus, who provide clinical counseling. These trained professionals provide counseling from a Christian perspective and have private practices in the community. Our counselors accept some insurance plans. Fees vary according to the counselor and your insurance deductible.