Davino Salvador

At Coastal Community Church, we are blessed to collaborate with Davina Salvador and Pastor Mario in our mission to bring "Restoration for our Community." Through this partnership, we extend God's love beyond our church walls, reaching out to those who need it most.

Engaging with the Community

Working closely with Pastor Mario and his congregation, we have had the privilege of serving others in numerous meaningful ways. Our initiatives include:

  • Grocery Distribution: Ensuring that families in need have access to essential food supplies.

  • Children's Toy Drive (Día de los Niños): Bringing joy to children by providing toys and organizing fun-filled activities.

  • Mother's Day Gifts: Honoring mothers with thoughtful gifts and expressions of appreciation.

  • Bible Distribution: Sharing the Word of God with those seeking spiritual nourishment.

Family-Friendly Events

Our outreach events are designed to foster a sense of community and joy. They feature a variety of activities such as:

  • Family Games: Encouraging families to bond and have fun together.

  • Delicious Food: Offering meals that bring people together and provide comfort.

Each event also includes an inspirational message from Pastor Mario, inviting attendees to experience the depth of God's love and grace.

People's Kitchen 5 Cities

People's Kitchen

For over 30 uninterrupted years, People's Kitchen has been a beacon of hope and support in Grover Beach. Every day at noon, local residents in need can receive a hot meal and the warmth of fellowship, thanks to the dedicated efforts of local churches. Among them, members of Coastal Community Church proudly prepare and serve meals twice a month, embodying the spirit of service and community.

More Than Just a Meal

People's Kitchen extends beyond providing daily hot meals. They offer a variety of essential services to support our neighbors with limited resources:

  • Daily Hot Meals: Every day at noon, People's Kitchen serves a nourishing hot meal, ensuring no one in the community goes hungry.

  • Shower the People: Every Wednesday, the on-site fully equipped trailer allows unhoused individuals the chance to shower and receive hygiene supplies, helping them maintain their dignity and health.

  • Free Haircuts: A local hairdresser generously donates their time and skills to provide haircuts for those in need, helping individuals feel refreshed and cared for.

A Place for Fellowship and Devotion

Before lunch is served, clients are welcomed into the sanctuary for a short devotional. This gathering offers a moment of spiritual reflection and encouragement. For many, it is their sole opportunity for fellowship, where they can connect with others, share their experiences, and feel a sense of belonging.

How You Can Help

People's Kitchen is always seeking compassionate volunteers to join in their mission. Whether you enjoy cooking or prefer serving, your help is invaluable. They provide the groceries and recipes, making it easy for you to contribute. Together, we can continue to make a significant impact in our community.

Join us in spreading love and support to those who need it most. Your involvement can make a real difference in the lives of many.

For more information on how you can help, email Sandy Rodriguez.

Antalya Evangelical Church (Turkey)

This ministry operates in the very land where the Apostle Paul once preached and planted churches. Today, Turkey is 99% Muslim, presenting a unique and challenging mission field. However, the church in Antalya is rising to the challenge, training leaders and planting new churches to spread the gospel and bring hope to a hurting land.

Our Partnership with the Antalya Church

In 2023, our church took a significant step in faith by sending a team to work alongside the Antalya church. This initial mission trip was a profound experience for all involved, as we witnessed firsthand the powerful work God is doing in Turkey. The Antalya church is dedicated to equipping new leaders and establishing vibrant faith communities, aiming to reach people with the message of Christ's love and salvation.

Looking Forward

We are committed to this partnership and plan to continue sending teams in the coming years. Each trip provides an opportunity for our church members to engage in meaningful ministry, support our brothers and sisters in Turkey, and experience the joy of cross-cultural fellowship and service.

Witnessing God's Work

It is truly exciting to see what God is doing in Turkey. Despite the challenges, the church in Antalya is making remarkable strides in spreading the gospel. Lives are being transformed, and new churches are being planted in areas that have not heard the message of Jesus for centuries.

Join Us

We invite you to be part of this incredible mission. Whether through prayer, financial support, or joining a future mission team, your involvement can make a significant impact. Together, we can support the growing church in Turkey and share the hope of Christ with a nation in need.

For more information about getting involved, contact Pastor Kurt.

Witnessing the power of God's work in Turkey reminds us of the words of Paul in Romans 10:14-15: "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: 'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!'"