No matter your story, no matter where you find yourself on the journey of faith, we believe there is hope beyond our brokenness. We believe God wants us healed, whole, and free. So we take practical steps to grow in our faith, to pursue healing, and to recover from life's injuries. There is nothing that we've done, or that's been done to us, that would prevent God from achieving his goal of our complete restoration.


Jesus is not interested in our performance. Performance breeds resentment when we fail, entitlement and pride when we succeed, and judgmental attitudes towards others who don't live up to our expectations. Jesus wants us to learn who He is and what He's like—and then to trust him. When we see our living and Risen Savior in action—His goodness and graciousness on display—then we'll trust Him. We'll choose to be honest, vulnerable, and will be willing to follow His directions. We believe honest prayer is at the heartbeat of trusting Jesus—we pray, we listen—and God transforms.


Being honest about our brokenness, taking steps to trust Jesus...when we start down this road called 'faith' we start to learn something about God. God doesn't want us on the sidelines until we get our act together. Right from the beginning of our faith, God wants us involved in bringing about restoration. So at Coastal Community Church we reach kids who are allergic to church through Young Life, we give to our neighbors in need, and we feed the hungry (to name a few of the things we do). We get involved in restoration projects because we're responding to God's incredible invitation to join Him in His restoration work.