Beginning January 20

First and third Mondays, 7:00pm

Lowell Center

It seems like this is an era of high anxiety for
many of us . . . political polarization, culture wars, climate change, financial uncertainty, family issues, mental health or addiction challenges, health scares. How do we respond? Do we see opportunities or obstacles? Do we feel hopeful or helpless? Do we respond in faith or fear? When there’s trouble, there’s a solution:
prayer. Prayer is the way we touch God and He
touches us. It is about opening something
clenched and frightened in the human spirit so
that God, in His perfect love, can drive out fear.
1Jn 4:18
We invite you to a new group at Coastal,
designed for praying together in His perfect love. God longs for our presence and He invites us into His loving arms through prayer. When we are bruised and broken, when the world suddenly reveals its harsh and hurtful ways, we are called back to the heart of God through prayer. Prayer is a powerful weapon against the forces of darkness in this world. It can transform us from fearful, hopeless and angry people to resilient, hopeful and faithful followers, effecting change in the world around us. When we intercede for justice and mercy, prayer changes things. When we pray and see God at work, our faith grows. When we gather together in community, God moves. Let’s make our church a “house of prayer”. Luke 19:46

Come join us once or on a regular basis for this
journey to Radical Resilience to embrace the
opportunities before us. Contact Beth Summers with any questions