The Betrayal | Luke 23 | Pastor Andy Rock

Every time we sin, we betray Jesus and yet He never walks away. He looks at us and offers grace and mercy that can only be given from a place of deep love. The torture of the cross is not enough to separate you from the love of God. Instead, come to the foot of the cross and find redemption.

Pastor Andy Rock is the (Very) Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

The Last Supper | Luke 22:1-23 | Pastor Andy Rock

Jesus was born with a specific calling upon His life. Jesus pursued this calling despite the best efforts of religious leaders, the culture around Him, and even Satan. Jesus' sacrifice empowers you to pursue your very own calling. You will also face adversity and resistance. Your own sin nature will get in your way. Are you willing to set all of that aside, place your focus on the cross set before you, and walk in the will of the Almighty God?

Pastor Andy Rock is the (Very) Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Jesus Enters Jerusalem | Luke 19:28-48 | Pastor Andy Rock

Have you ever had a friend ask to borrow your car? Better yet, has a friend ever just taken your car without asking? It can seem odd that Jesus tells his disciples to take a colt they’ll find tied to a fence. His reason, it’s Lord needed it. We so often forget that Jesus is the Lord of all, even us. How would you respond if the Lord said He needed you?

Pastor Andy Rock is the (Very) Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website

Online giving and tithe:

Jesus and Zacchaeus | Luke 19:1-10 | Pastor Paul Dugan

Pastor Paul shares a story about "Zach" and his meeting with Jesus. Zach isn't the kind of person you would expect Jesus to spend time with, let alone, seek out. Not only does Jesus invite Himself to Zach's house, at the end of the evening, Jesus declares Zach is a true son of Abraham! Listen in as Pastor Paul explains what mercy and redemption look like in God's inverted kingdom.

Pastor Paul Dugan is the Pastor of Mission & Discipleship at Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website

Online giving and tithe:

The Blind & Those Who Can See | Luke 18:18-43 | Pastor Andy Rock

Pastor Andy Rock is the (Very) Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website

Online giving and tithe:

Have Mercy on Me, A Sinner | Luke 18:1-17 | Pastor Andy Rock

So many of us can live with the lie that we can be justified by our actions. This lie can lead us to a false sense of righteousness or to shame. Sometimes it can lead to both at the same time. There is freedom in the truth that only God can redeem us and it takes away the pressure to perform.

Pastor Andy Rock is the (Very) Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website

Online giving and tithe:

God's Beginning & Our End | Luke 17:11-37 | Pastor Andy Rock

Do you ever struggle with faith? We rarely see exactly where Jesus is calling us but He assures us that He will be with us on the journey. It can be scary to lay down our own agenda and surrender to Christ. That fear comes from our doubt. Pastor Andy takes us through Luke 17 and challenges the lies that hold us back.

Pastor Andy Rock is the (Very) Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website

Online giving and tithe:

Increase Our Faith | Luke 17:1-9 | Pastor Paul Dugan

Forgiveness, it's the center of our faith as Christians. Jesus offers to forgive our sins if we confess them. We are all so thankful and eager to accept this gift of grace. Now here's the BIG question; are you willing to forgive? Pastor Paul takes us through what forgiveness is, what it isn't, and how we can apply this to our daily lives.

Pastor Paul Dugan is the Pastor of Mission & Discipleship at Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website

Online giving and tithe:

The Rich Man & Lazarus | Luke 16:13-31 | Pastor Andy Rock

Andy preaches out of Luke 16 where Jesus tells the parable of The Rich Man and Lazarus. We've been sold the lie that our lives are about us. When we choose to focus on us, we'll sacrifice the redemption that only comes from Jesus. Are you ready to bring God's Kingdom here on earth?

Pastor Andy Rock is the (Very) Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website

Online giving and tithe:

Found | Luke 15 | Pastor Andy Rock

This week we return to the parable of The Prodigal Son. We take a moment and focus on the older brother. So often, this is us, it's the church and provides a window to the entitlement we may not even know we have. The Father is inviting you into the party. Will you accept his invitation?

Pastor Andy Rock is the (Very) Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website

Online giving and tithe:

The Prodigal Father | Luke 15 | Pastor Andy Rock

How often do we hear the story of the "Prodigal Son" and focus on the sins of the son rather than rejoicing in the Grace and Mercy of the Father? The Father in this story not only allows his sons the room to make mistakes but is also eager and willing to restore them. Listen to the story of The Prodigal Father.

Pastor Andy Rock is the (Very) Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website

Online giving and tithe:

The Worst Dinner Party Ever | Luke 14 | Pastor Andy Rock

Jesus challenges social norms, expectations, and honor culture during one of the most awkward dinner parties ever. Andy invites you to be a fly on the wall as Jesus explains what's most important in life. We shouldn't be focused within or care about what we have coming. Jesus asks if you are willing to offer yourself to others even if they have nothing to return.

Pastor Andy Rock is the (Very) Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website

Online giving and tithe:

The Significance of Decision | Luke 12 & 13 |Pastor Andy Rock

You are not allowed to think that God can't deliver you. You may think your issues are too big to overcome, and they are if you try to do it all on your own. But, if you fall before God, submit your life, and seek Him first, He will be faithful to deliver you from anything you are facing. Don't believe me? Listen to Andy and this fire sermon in Luke 12 & 13.

Pastor Andy Rock is the (Very) Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website

Online giving and tithe:

Accountability | Luke 12:41-48 | Pastor Paul Dugan

What are you doing with God's gifts? It's been God's will to entrust men and women to steward His creation. Are you willing to accept that role? In order to effectively fill your role, you'll need to accept the truth that we were created to fulfill God's will for our lives. Pastor Paul takes us deep into Luke 12 to help us better understand our role in the will of God.

Pastor Paul Dugan is the Pastor of Mission & Discipleship at Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website

Online giving and tithe:

Stay Alert | Luke 12:35-48 | Pastor Paul Dugan

Jesus came to usher in His kingdom. It's not the kingdom that was expected. Instead he flipped power structures upside down. His parables give us a view into the now and what is to come. Join us as Pastor Paul guides us through a parable of the servant leader.

Pastor Paul Dugan is the Pastor of Mission & Discipleship at Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website

Online giving and tithe: