How to Live Free | Ephesians 3:20 - 4:3 | Pastor Kurt Pfegl

The church is not a mere building; it's us. We're created to receive and radiate God's boundless glory, which is the embodiment of infinite love, endless humility, limitless patience, gentleness, and generosity. In every moment, God graciously shares His glorious presence with us. Experiencing God's freedom isn't just a personal journey; it's a transformative process that influences others. As we embrace His redemptive power, it becomes a beacon, drawing people in and uniting us in the liberating grace of God. That's true freedom!

Pastor Kurt Pflegl is the Pastor of Mission & Discipleship at Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Loved By God | Ephesians 3 | Pastor Andy Rock

The world is echoing with cries of anguish at this moment. People everywhere yearn for love. They are wounded, shattered, often feeling isolated, and desperately seeking love. In our diverse world, we each carry our own stories of brokenness, but together, we can mend one another with love. It's all about Jesus and His boundless love. His love is a love that makes sacrifices, lends a listening ear, and stands by, not to fix, but to support. Jesus' love conquers darkness with light. So, let's pause for a moment and open our hearts to the immense love that God has for each of us, right here and right now.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Approaching God | Ephesians 3:1-12 | Pastor Andy Rock

Grace is the gift of unconditional acceptance from a giver under no obligation. You are never too much or too little, never undeserving to approach God. He yearns to hear, guide, and bless you with grace and undeserved gifts. Our Christ, our Savior, enters our pain, shares our suffering, and rescues us at His own cost. God extends grace to those in desperate need, leaving us with love, unity, connection, and hope. Whether you've felt disqualified, strived to be good, or sensed distance from God, know that you're already qualified, enough, and near. We've inherited a grace we didn't earn.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

How God Repairs Relationships | Ephesians 2 | Pastor Andy Rock

Don’t isolate. Let Jesus be at the center of your life and tell Him everything. If you do, you’ll naturally do that with others. We are being built together to be the place where God dwells, the House of Miracles. That’s us. So, dare to be yourself.   Share your deep needs and deep hurts. Share your profound wealth and your precious time. Share your skills and joys and love. Together we’ll learn to put Jesus at the center of our lives. Together we’ll learn how to be loved.  Together we’ll find healing. Together we’ll repair the world. Together we’re unstoppable.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

You Belong | Ephesians 2:5-13 | Pastor Andy Rock

You've been brought near to Jesus for resurrection, not renovation. He raised us from death and seated us by His throne, rebuilding us with purpose. Yet, we often prefer self-condemnation and withhold mercy from ourselves and others. We hesitate to give love and grace, keeping God at a distance until crises arise. Our deepest struggle lies within, as we neglect what God generously offers. Let go, for we belong to Jesus; let His love fill us like sponges so that it can overflow daily. Will you choose this path of abundant love and grace?

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

God's Grace vs. God's Wrath | Ephesians 2:1-10 | Pastor Kurt Pflegl

Faith is a divine gift, meant for us to receive without effort. God bestows lavish gifts upon us because we are His masterpieces, His unique poetry crafted before time began. He designed us for exclusive purposes, calling us to believe in His perfect love and our creation in His image. When we accept His love, it pours into the lives of those around us. We're meant to work from His love, not for it. Will you now choose to receive His love and share it with others?

Pastor Kurt Pflegl is the Pastor of Mission & Discipleship at Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Incomparably Great Power | Ephesians 1:15-23 | Pastor Andy Rock

Prayer is your connection to God. Prayer is your connection to the power of God which raised Jesus from the dead. Prayer is your connection to the authority of Jesus to heal diseases and to demolish evil. Prayer is your connection to the tenderness of Jesus to heal broken hearts and restore lives. Stay connected!

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

God is Never Tired of Choosing You | Ephesians 1:11-14 | Pastor Andy Rock

The Holy Spirit's role is to guide and support individuals in their spiritual journey, encouraging them to continually surrender and grow. This process of transformation is ongoing, symbolized by the idea that we are always "Under Construction." The Holy Spirit is a constant presence in our lives, offering guidance, healing, and assurance that God has not finished working on us. Despite our doubts and imperfections, we are chosen by God, and we should accept His love in our brokenness.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Learning to Be Family | Ephesians 1 | Pastor Andy Rock

If you’ve ever felt unworthy of God’s love, today you can let it go. You are chosen, adopted, and part of God’s family. You are beloved. You don’t have to earn your adoption, you don’t have to maintain it, you don’t have to keep it up or perform well enough. Your Heavenly Father is head over heels in love with you. You are His beloved child, and you are adopted into His family because Jesus lived and died for you. Jesus is eternal life, and He gave Himself to you. This is your destiny.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

The Extravagance of God’s Grace | Ephesians 1 | Pastor Andy Rock

Are you going to please others or are you going to live into the purpose God has for you, no matter what others think? Honesty is scary because if we admit what’s actually going on in our hearts, we’re afraid we’ll be rejected or unloved. But that’s never how it works with Jesus.   When we confess our brokenness, when we talk about what’s really happening in us, then the grace and peace of God becomes real. And it’s then that we can make the choice to pursue God’s purpose above anything else in our lives.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Are You Convinced | Romans 8:35-39 | Pastor Mia Shin

We stand as witnesses to the extraordinary, unbreakable love of God, which empowers us to triumph over life's trials. In Christ Jesus, there exists an unyielding bond that nothing, absolutely nothing, can sever. This divine connection fills our hearts with enduring hope. Can you confidently affirm this truth in your life? Do you carry the unshakable belief that no force, whether visible or hidden, can detach you from God's secure embrace? Embrace this unassailable love and allow it to fortify you in every circumstance, demonstrating through your actions that you are resolutely anchored in this hope.

Pastor Mia Shin is a speaker, author, and songwriter. Her 20 years of ministry include preaching, teaching, and mentoring in the Asian-American and multi-ethnic church contexts as well as in public high school and college settings.

Visit to follow Mia or learn more about her ministry.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Be honest, ask for Prayer | James 5 | Pastor Andy Rock

James writes to Christians about others in the church who wander from the truth. Lost people in the woods don’t get unlost by themselves. They need to be found.   Make the choice to accept your limitations. Allow God and good friends into your pain, needs, failures, and your issues. You’ll find healing, and connection. You’ll discover more of the Kingdom of God right now.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Your Purpose is Powerful | James 5 | Pastor Andy Rock

The only condition our enemy needs to destroy the church is isolation. A generous giver needs someone to bless. We are called to be courageous in our vulnerability to ask, and courageous in our faithfulness to give. When we all do both, no one is isolated, no one is in need, and literally God’s Kingdom has come. Jesus is full of compassion for those who are in need and won’t talk. Jesus is also full of mercy for those who can give and won’t. So don’t give up asking for what you need, and don’t give up taking the risk of practicing generosity. You never know what will happen!

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Live in the Present | James 4:11-17 | Pastor Andy Rock

James explores the depth of gossip's impact, stressing humility and living in sync with Jesus' will and love. He warns against harming others with false stories, while distinguishing healthy conversations about pain from harmful venting. Excessive complaining can escalate to damaging talk, going against Jesus' message of love. Jesus alone holds the role of Judge; forgiveness means letting go of judgment and praying for release from resentment. Staying present with Jesus and trusting His guidance counters harmful speech. James compares human plans with aligning with God's will, suggesting regular prayers for direction. These insights connect to concrete acts of love, reflecting Jesus' forgiveness and encouraging its expression.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Draw near to Jesus and Resist the Devil | James 4 | Pastor Andy Rock

Seek God through prayer and worship, immersing yourself in His Word. Let go of prioritizing worldly concerns over your relationship with Him. Reflect on any instances where you've placed your will above His, and allow yourself to grieve those choices. Humbling ourselves before God is the path to truly understanding His constant work in our lives. He continually lifts us up, pouring out His love, blessings, and healing upon us. Let us actively choose to experience these divine gifts by humbly submitting ourselves to His will!

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Live Well, Live Wisely, Live Humbly | James 3 | Pastor Andy Rock

Love is the art of selflessly serving others, ignited by the desire to uplift them, just as Jesus envisioned. Listening to Jesus's wisdom, love blossoms within us, leading us to inquire, understand, and support others with boundless compassion. Embracing all with impartiality, we offer mercy when life's hurdles arise, reflecting Jesus's grace. Through humility and guidance, we become a beacon of love and kindness, soaring in productivity, making a profound impact on lives around us, and inspiring the world with our extraordinary journey of faith.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Burning It All Down | James 3 | Pastor Andy Rock

In life, we make mistakes, but embracing humility allows us to learn and grow. Be tender, recognizing the need for mercy. Instead of striving for perfection, find courage in vulnerability. Let go of pride and excuses for hurtful actions, and open yourself to love and mercy from God and others. When we own up to our mistakes, we grow, and we heal.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

God Remembered | Genesis 8:1 | Joe Ramirez

Let go of the lie that God has forgotten you and embrace the powerful truth of His faithfulness! Despite moments of feeling alone or abandoned, remember that "God remembers" is a recurring theme throughout Scripture. His promises for your life will never be forgotten or forsaken. Trust in His perfect timing and allow the assurance of His unfailing love to bring restoration, hope, and joy into your journey.

Joe Ramirez is the Minister of Communications at Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Just Do It | James 2:14-26 | Pastor Andy Rock

True faith comes alive when our beliefs and actions are in harmony with the teachings of Jesus. It's not enough to simply believe; we must let our faith shine through our words and deeds. When we align our lives with the truth He embodies, we inspire others to believe as well. Let us remember that faith is not about being perfect but about cultivating a genuine relationship with Jesus. When we choose to walk in His ways, we draw closer to God and discover the true purpose of our faith. May our actions speak loudly, reflecting the love and truth we have found in Jesus.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Mercy Triumphs | James 2:1-13 | Pastor Andy Rock

In a world of self-imposed judgments, Jesus offers us a remarkable gift. He not only declares us guilty but takes on our sentence, embodying boundless mercy. Accepting His mercy is our liberation. Furthermore, Jesus pours out His abundant grace, bestowing upon us His Spirit, filled with hope, peace, and joy. He shares His power, influence, and purpose, inviting us to partake in His victory. Embrace His mercy with all your heart and hold onto His grace tightly. Through them, you'll rise above challenges, conquer obstacles, and embark on an extraordinary journey of faith, love, and triumph. Let His mercy and grace ignite your soul, transforming your life.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe: