In the midst of the Christmas story, facing controversy and uncertainty, Joseph grabbed onto hope. Look at the impact of this hope: Jesus learned from his stepdad to love others even when it costs you. When Jesus faced his own death—the most hopeless and fearful of all situations anyone can face—Jesus took a page out of his adopted father’s playbook. Jesus submitted himself to God’s plan, one with lots of pain involved, even if he couldn’t see the other side of God’s good promises. So Jesus chose to die, chose to stay on the cross, chose to suffer its scorn and shame because on the other side of his death was the hope of resurrection…a resurrection he could not see.
Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.
Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.
Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.
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