Telling The Truth | Acts 23 | Pastor Andy Rock

Today is about the heart of God for us when we face injustice, evil, or confrontation. As God’s people, we lead and live with the Gospel. Jesus is the Author and Creator and Redeemer of all things. And yet Jesus doesn’t live like he is entitled. Instead of demanding, Jesus sacrifices. Instead of insisting, Jesus loves. Instead of being defensive and accusing, Jesus speaks the truth in love. Instead of forcing, Jesus invites. Instead of controlling, Jesus allows for your free will. Instead of punishing, Jesus suffers with you and for you and in your place. You can trust this Jesus.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Facing Pain | Acts 22-23 | Pastor Andy Rock

Obeying God always leads to life. Sometimes the path toward life is also painful, but God is never absent in your pain. God will use that grief, that loss, that terrible wound to reach more people with the hope of His love than you could ever imagine. God doesn’t allow pain for this purpose. Pain just happens. We live in a broken world, but God does take that pain and transform it for His good. You have a mission. You have a purpose. Don’t let pain stop you. Don’t let discomfort stop you. You’re not a doormat. You can speak up. You can have boundaries, but don’t you dare lose heart when the pain comes. Face your pain with hope. Face your pain with faith. Face your pain with prayers. Face your pain knowing that God will use it for His good.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Falling Down | Acts 20 | Pastor Andy Rock

You see, the church is not a building, not an event. In the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, you are the church. You get to join Jesus in his resurrection work. Think of all the ways you sacrifice in life- you sacrifice time for your children and grandchildren, you make time for medical emergencies, and you sacrifice and save to go on vacations. Jesus deserves your sacrifice, and so do the people He is putting in front of you. Your prayers and generosity make a difference. There are so many people who are dying all around us, dead from sin and rebellion. What do they need from you? They need you to go to them. They need your embrace. They need your love. They need your prayers. You might be the only church they ever see. He found you and healed you and now is showing you how to repent, how to have faith, and how to love. You have things to say and you have things to do that are important, that will literally bring life in the middle of a situation full of death.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

A Hopeful Prayer from a Heavy Heart | Psalm 143 | Pastor Paul Dugan

The Psalms are literary art. Hebrew poetry invites us to slow down and experience God with more than our intellect- but also with our imagination and the full reality of human emotion. What do we learn as we pray the Psalms? We learn that intimacy with God is not the absence of adversity, but the presence of God within it. Intimacy is fueled by the Spirit and nurtured through trust. Intimacy is the gritty confidence that is grounded in the blessed love of God in the face of danger. The psalter was the prayer book of Jesus. When you pray the psalms, Jesus is praying with you, in his full humanity. And so is His church. You are not alone.

Pastor Paul Dugan is the Pastor of Mission & Discipleship at Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Wise Men Still Ask For Directions | Matthew 2:1-12 | Pastor Paul Dugan

On New Years, we had a special One Service Sunday. This included special worship, a special love feast, and a special sermon reflecting on the previous year. We take time to reflect on how God has demonstrated His faithfulness in our past and how that gives us confidence in our future. God is faithful to be present in our lives if we give Him permission.

Pastor Paul Dugan is the Pastor of Mission & Discipleship at Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

The Jr. High Jesus | Luke 2:41-52 | Pastor Andy Rock

Through his son, God drew near to us when we hated him. Will he remain distant now that we hope we can please him? He eagerly suffered for us when we were failing, as orphans. Will he cross his arms over our failures now that we are his adopted children? His heart was gentle and lowly toward us when we were lost. Will his heart be anything different toward us now that we are found? Find your rest in the promise that God will be forever present through every season of your life.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Mary's Trust | Luke 1 | Pastor Andy Rock

We assume hardship and difficulty are evidence that God has failed us. All of us wonder how God is going to accomplish his good and pleasing plan in the face of impossible situations. What is this “wonder”? It is a wonder of joy because we believe God will come through, a wonder of hope- because we trust God is good, and a wonder of love because we know God is head over heels in love with us.  God overcomes our failures and our terrible wounds. God overcomes the brokenness of this world and all its gritty details of want and need. No word from God ever fails.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Understanding God | Luke 1 | Pastor Andy Rock

Listening to Jesus is paying attention to His heart and direction all throughout the day. We don’t listen once and then go off on our own. It is a continuous conversation. How can we recognize God’s voice among all the other ‘voices’? His voice becomes more familiar each time we pause to listen. When you hear the voice of Jesus, your shame is lifted. Your abandonment is erased. You are claimed as God’s beloved child. You now have honor embossed onto your very soul. It’s an honor that cannot be lost or tarnished. You are forever claimed by your Heavenly Father as wanted, loved, beautiful, worthy, and enough. This is God’s heart for you.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

How to Destroy Hopelessness | Matthew 1 | Pastor Andy Rock

In the midst of the Christmas story, facing controversy and uncertainty, Joseph grabbed onto hope. Look at the impact of this hope: Jesus learned from his stepdad to love others even when it costs you. When Jesus faced his own death—the most hopeless and fearful of all situations anyone can face—Jesus took a page out of his adopted father’s playbook. Jesus submitted himself to God’s plan, one with lots of pain involved, even if he couldn’t see the other side of God’s good promises. So Jesus chose to die, chose to stay on the cross, chose to suffer its scorn and shame because on the other side of his death was the hope of resurrection…a resurrection he could not see.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

She said what?!? | Acts 16 | Pastor Andy Rock

We will be hurt by people around us. Sometimes it will be unintentional and other times they will actively seek to cause us pain. Our reaction is what happens to us when we are hurt. Our response is our choice about how we move forward. We can react with sorrow and pain, and then choose to respond with resentment, or choose to forgive. To forgive is to hand over the right to judge to Jesus. We cannot begin the journey toward reconciliation without first forgiving.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website :

Online giving and tithe:

The Road Less Traveled | Acts 16 | Pastor Andy Rock

Your journey of salvation and healing, your journey of growth and purpose, it takes time. Bit by bit. Step by step. You’re going to make a lot of mistakes. You’re going to head down paths that Jesus will warn you against. You’re going to push…and Jesus will just put his hand on your forehead. You’re going to hurt others. The Road Less Traveled isn’t the road where you don’t make mistakes. The Road Less Traveled, or as Jesus puts it, the narrow way- the Kingdom of God way - is the road of repentance. Place your faith in Jesus and take your next step.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Managing Conflict with Courage and Kindness | Acts 15 | Pastor Paul Dugan

We have and will always face conflict. It’s just a natural part of life. How we handle conflict has a huge impact on our lives and relationships. Every conflict involves a calibration of two core values- the value of the relationship and the value of the issue. Our debates and decisions must take place in a community under the authority of Scripture, where we see the missional heart of God for all people. How can we use conflict as a bridge for the gospel of Christ? We must be sure to set our own agendas to the side, listen and obey the scriptures, and be willing to listen. Setting our hearts on the things above, we will allow the Holy Spirit to direct us in conflict and restoration.

Pastor Paul Dugan is the Pastor of Mission & Discipleship at Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Get Back Up | Acts 14 | Pastor Andy Rock

As humans, we are full of contradictions. We want God, but on our own terms. The message of grace is this: You cannot earn the blessings of God. Nor will those blessings be exchanged for curses if you make a single mistake. God is gracious to you, not because of your character, but because of God’s character: our Heavenly Father is gracious. The story we all need to hear is how, even when we endure the hardships and sufferings of this life, our Jesus will sustain us…provide for us…resurrect us. Don’t share with your family member your resume of success. Share the story of how you were attempting to earn it all and it crushed you, how the grace of Jesus saved you, and how your faith in Jesus and the prayers of your friends helped you get back up.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Incompetency & Sufficiency | Acts 13 | Pastor Andy Rock

When Jesus confronts you on your beliefs or behavior or responses to life, Jesus never uses the weapon of incompetence. He always pairs the truth with love. You are forever secure in God’s love, especially when you make a mistake. The choice we have is this: when I am confronted with the truth, will I respond with humility or anger? Will I repent and grow with the help of others, or get angry and resist? Don’t stop. Be continually filled with the Holy Spirit. Let go of outcomes. Keep moving forward. Keep loving. Keep going.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Faith vs Magic | Acts 13 | Pastor Andy Rock

Prayer is such a powerful thing. It can breathe life into the dead and bring comfort in the middle of chaos. It's not a shortcut to our wants and desires. So often we can say we have faith in Jesus but we'll only ask Him to address the most basic areas in our life. We'll ask for money, health, or success. We'll make a request only if we get the outcome we want. True faith in prayer asks Jesus to transform us without any control over the outcome. It means putting our faith in him and obeying His commands. The greatest magic of all isn’t the power to get what we want…the greatest magic is the love of Jesus to meet the deepest needs of your heart that only your Creator can satisfy. Will you trust Him?

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Set Free | Acts 12 | Pastor Andy Rock

We cannot control the actions of others and the outcomes of their decisions can have a devastating impact on our lives. Every single one of us knows what it is like to live in bondage, shackled to our captors, filled with hopelessness and despair. Our ‘captors’ can be fear, pride, bitterness, abandonment, or worthlessness. They can be lies about God, ourselves, and others. The glorious reality of knowing Jesus is that now, by his strong and powerful name, those chains can be broken. You don’t have to live with the lies. What’s the point? Justice will come to your jailors. But you will not be the one who delivers justice. That’s God’s job. Don’t hold onto bitterness. Don’t hold onto anger. Don’t hold onto any chain or shackle that would bind you. Your job is to pray. Your job is to trust. Your job is to walk free and tell your story.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast.

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

The Gift of Repentance | Acts 11 | Pastor Andy Rock

There is nothing that can separate you from the love of God. We can be led to believe that we are too dirty from past sins or unworthy to be loved by the rejection of others. There may even be people who we can’t forgive or whom we’ve labeled as beyond hope. Jesus died for everyone and proclaimed that every person is worthy of redemption. Jesus calls us to love everyone, so say yes to Jesus. Say yes to the Holy Spirit. Say yes to the deep truth that God has made you clean. Say yes to the adventure of listening to God and obeying God. Say yes to the adventure of sharing the good news with people you might have even written off.

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Knocked Off Your High Horse | Acts 9 | Pastor Andy Rock

God has amazing things for you to do with your life. Your purpose always starts with Jesus, on His road, by His Way. Your purpose stays on course with your repentance and submission. Your purpose on the road is sustained by your trust and faith in Jesus, not by how steep or winding the road gets. Your energy along the way is filled and sustained by this deep truth: Jesus is with you, every step of the journey. He will see you through to the very end. 

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

Safety Third | Acts 8:26-40 | Pastor Andy Rock

At a glance, the story of Philip and the Ethiopian seems simple and straightforward, but when we take a deeper look there is so much more. There is a varied cast of characters from different walks of life. You may have related to one or more of them at various times in your life. Have you been the outcast, the witness, or perhaps the helper? The truth is we have all been one of these and you may be in that place right now. Each is called by God to walk in a specific purpose. As He beckons you, will you allow fear or comfort to keep you from answering His call or will you allow God to transform your life?

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe:

You Can't Buy the Holy Spirit | Acts 8 | Pastor Andy Rock

You can believe that God is real. You can believe that Jesus is God and that he’s your Savior. But that doesn’t mean that you want the Holy Spirit to be involved in your life. Why? Because the Holy Spirit convicts you. Leads you. Insists on you listening and surrendering. The Holy Spirit doesn’t care about your plans, timelines, expectations, or comfortable religious equations. The Holy Spirit has much bigger and better plans. Are you willing to finally trust the Holy Spirit? Are you willing to surrender?

Pastor Andy Rock is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Community Church. It’s located in Grover Beach, CA, and serves communities across the central coast. 

Join us online each week on Sunday morning at 9am for our weekly live stream. We also have two in-person services at 9am and 10:40am in our sanctuary.

Coastal Community Church is located at 1830 Farroll Road, Grover Beach, CA 93420.

For more information, visit our website:

Online giving and tithe: