by Pastor Paul Dugan
Try this three-part rhythm for pausing in the midst of your days for prayer:
Part I: Become present to the presence of God.
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Psalm 46:10-11
Pause for silence before him. Slowly inhale, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Slowly exhale, and release any distractions you are carrying into this moment. Repeat this breathing prayer until you have brought your whole self - your thoughts, emotions, desires, and body- (“as-is”) before God.
NOTE: This week’s mid-day psalm is a ‘cursing psalm’- a lament prayed in the face of great evil and injustice. Followers of Jesus today pray these difficult prayers against not against human enemies, but against the power of demonic evil. Here is more on praying the cursing psalms.
Part II: Slowly read from Psalm 64 (NLT) out loud:
1 O God, listen to my complaint.
Protect my life from my enemies’ threats.
2 Hide me from the plots of this evil mob,
from this gang of wrongdoers.
3 They sharpen their tongues like swords
and aim their bitter words like arrows.
4 They shoot from ambush at the innocent,
attacking suddenly and fearlessly.
5 They encourage each other to do evil
and plan how to set their traps in secret.
“Who will ever notice?” they ask.
6 As they plot their crimes, they say,
“We have devised the perfect plan!”
Yes, the human heart and mind are cunning.
7 But God himself will shoot them with his arrows,
suddenly striking them down.
8 Their own tongues will ruin them,
and all who see them will shake their heads in scorn.
9 Then everyone will be afraid;
they will proclaim the mighty acts of God
and realize all the amazing things he does.
10 The godly will rejoice in the Lord
and find shelter in him.
And those who do what is right
will praise him.
Part III: Pray your own lament psalm- for yourself, or on behalf of someone who is suffering in your world.
Describe the trouble in detail to God.
Express your honest emotions: "Lord, I am feeling sad about…; "… angry…; “… afraid…
Bring him your honest questions: "Lord, why….?; "How long, Lord, before you…?; "Where are you in…?
Make your plea to God: "Please, Lord…; "Remember back when you…; Do it again, Lord!”
The psalms were originally written as lyrics. They have been sung by the people of God throughout the history of Israel and the church. Take time to listen to a version of Psalm 64 set to music…
From the album I Need You Now (2002) by Smokie Norful.
Music by Poor Bishop Hooper.
For links to individual guides for more than one hundred different psalms click here.
For more on the Psalms:
Here is an introduction to the Book of Psalms.
For a list of psalms by literary style (genre) click here.
For an introduction to the narrative arc of the psalms, see Spirituality of the Psalms, by Walter Brueggemann.